floating rate note

floating rate note

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abbrev.: FRN floating rate note облигация с "плавающей" ставкой (преимущественно на международном рынке): облигации, купоны по которым раз в 6 месяцев устанавливаются на уровне определенной процентной ставки денежного рынка плюс (иногда минус) определенная маржа, определяемая степенью риска; сроки таких бумаг обычно составляют примерно 5 лет, а ориентиром выступают ставки типа ЛИБОР, "прайм-рейт" или по казначейским векселям; = floater.
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долговое обязательство с плавающей ставкой
облигация с плавающей ставкой

Англо-русский экономический словарь.

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Смотреть что такое "floating rate note" в других словарях:

  • floating rate note — see note Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. floating rate note …   Law dictionary

  • Floating rate note — Floating rate notes (FRNs) are bonds that have a variable coupon, equal to a money market reference rate, like LIBOR or federal funds rate, plus a spread. The spread is a rate that remains constant. Almost all FRNs have quarterly coupons, i.e.… …   Wikipedia

  • floating-rate note — ( FRN) A medium term instrument with a coupon rate that floats up or down based upon changes to an index or reference rate. Often, FRNs are tied to LIBOR. American Banker Glossary ( FRN) note whose interest payment ( interest payments) varies… …   Financial and business terms

  • floating rate note — ( FRN) A bond which pays a floating rate of interest. The rate of interest payable on the bond will be reset at regular intervals, for example, each three months or six months. Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein financial glossary * * * floating rate …   Financial and business terms

  • floating-rate note — FRN A eurobond with a floating rate interest, usually based on the London Inter Bank Offered Rate. They first appeared in the 1970s and are usually issued as negotiable bearer bonds. A perpetual FRN has no redemption. A capped FRN is one with a… …   Accounting dictionary

  • floating-rate note — FRN A eurobond with a floating rate interest, usually based on the London Inter Bank Offered Rate They first appeared in the 1970s and have a maturity of between 7 and 15 years. They are usually issued as negotiable bearer bonds. A perpetual FRN… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • Inverse floating rate note — An inverse floating rate note, or simply an inverse floater, is a type of bond or other type of debt instrument used in finance whose coupon rate has an inverse relationship to short term interest rates (or its reference rate). With an inverse… …   Wikipedia

  • capped floating rate note — /ˌkæpt fləυtɪŋ reɪt ˌnəυt/ noun a floating rate note which has an agreed maximum rate …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • capped floating-rate note — capped FRN See: floating rate note …   Accounting dictionary

  • Floating-rate note (FRN) — Note whose interest payment varies with short term interest rates. The New York Times Financial Glossary …   Financial and business terms

  • Floating-Rate Note - FRN — A note with a variable interest rate. The adjustments to the interest rate are usually made every six months and are tied to a certain money market index. Also known as a floater . These protect investors against a rise in interest rates (which… …   Investment dictionary

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